Granite Master Surface Plate
[ Stock No:900-10 ]
- Upper surface and 2 side surfaces are high precision finished.
- 2 side surfaces perpendicularity and straightness accuracy is guaranteed. There for it is very convenient for inspection of Work Squareness and Straightness etc using dial gauge.
*The special dial gauge stand is not supplied with the product.
Code No. | Measurement (L×W×Hmm) |
Flatness (μm) |
Parallelism (μm) |
Mass (Kg) |
BK101 | 600×600×125 | 4 | 2 | 130 |
BK102 | 750×500×125 | 5 | 3 | 138 |
BK103 | 1000×750×150 | 7 | 4 | 325 |
BK104 | 1000×1000×150 | 8 | 5 | 435 |
Measurement Method
- Place a Work on the Surface Plate as in the figure.
- Usind Dial Gauge Stand, adjust the work so that the Dial Gauge reading value at A point and B point will be zero.
- Move the Dial Gauge Stand to the other direction. from the dial gauge reading value, measure the work Squareness and Straightness.